Empire General Percy
Empire Chief surgeon - Pierre-François Percy (1754-1825) - Chief Surgeon to the French Army, Commander of the Légion d'Honneur, Baron of the Empire
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Born on October 28th, 1754 in Montagney, Franche-Comté, France.
Dead on February 18th, 1825 in Paris.
French surgeon in French Revolution and Empire's army, an innovator in battlefield rescue and surgery.
The healthcare service in Napoleon's Army consisted of devoted men but was desperately short of means
Doctors, surgeons and phamacists wore the distinctive colour black, crimson or green respectively. At army level , they served in military hospitals and were organized, at division level, the army surgeons and aides-major (army aides) practiced first aid; the corps commander also ordered regular soldiers to help when necessary. Some reforms were attempted, but the medical personnel remained insufficiently trained and often undermanned.
For lack of efficient evacuation means, a great number of wounded soldiers laid dying on the battlefield. Surgeons like Percy and Larrey, suggested Napoleon to create a corps of military nurses (1809) and then of stretcher-bearers (1813) in charge of collecting the wounded and conveying them to the ambulance depots. However, their numbers were insufficient. Worse, an inadequate recruitment gave them a bad reputation; the results were therefore not very conclusive.
The hospitals often resembled makeshift shelters without suitable equipment; typhus fever and gangrene - sometimes more deadly than the battles - caused absolute carnage.
Despite all this, the healthcare service of the imperial armies was considered to be the best in Europe.
Availability: available
Pewter figurines by theme: Napoleon
Size: H: 12 cm
Type de figurine: Figurine en etain
Weight: 0.6 Kg
L Guy
11/12/2020très bien
G Gaston
08/05/2020Très bien très
J Cyrille
27/07/2019Toute la noblesse du personnage transparaît dans la statuette.
J Cyrille
18/02/2019Magnifique réalisation qui témoigne bien de la "carrure" à la fois physique et morale du personnage
E Lionel
08/10/2016Très beau personnage emballage extra protection impeccable.